Everything on this planet and all surrounding space is governed by Vibration. So are we!
We should all know what our Fundamental Vibration or Soul Note is in audible frequency. If everything works by vibration, start living in your Fundamental! A good friend and Intuit told me the Soul Note is what God would call you before you had a name.
As I have started developing the concept of "Being in the Fundamental", I have been able to overcome many of the things that held me back. I am a work in progress, and I have found that Being in My Fundamental keeps me clear, focused, hopeful and always striving to achieve my purpose. I hope I can facilitate you to Being in Your Fundamental.
A Soul Note Session is designed to help you feel and resonate with the frequency that opens your mind, body and soul to the most effective healing possible.
Most people receive positive benefit from music and Binaural Beats in general. However, I have talked with clients who had tried Binaural Beats that actually were not effective for them. One woman I met in the Bay Area told me she actually got a headache from some of the Bianaural beats that she tried.
Although most people won't get a headache from a Binaural Beat that is not based on their Soul Note, the Binaural Beat will not produce the maximum resonance for their individual body. The result of having a Binaural Beat based on your Soul Note for relaxation will be a deeper experience of relaxation.
So in a session you will be assisted in finding your most resonant tone and then provided a set of Binaural Beats and if appropriate, other tones or SoundScapes that will help activate your body's own healing powers. Your Soul Note will be utilized in any subsequent sessions as appropriate.
Below you can read a more thorough explanation as to why I believe the Soul Note is so important.
Although modern science is only recently delving into the function of the Pineal Gland, the ancients had identified this small deeply hidden part of our brain as the 3rd Eye.
The 3rd Eye is said to be our gateway connection to the Spiritual realm. So this little pine cone shaped, pea sized part of our brain is very important in many ways.
From a physical standpoint the Pineal is one of several glands that make up the Endocrine System in our bodies. The Pineal works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which controls the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. Most of all it regulates our sleep patterns. And when our body's are getting the proper amounts of sleep, the internal mechanisms for healing are able to function at the peak of their capabilities.
From a 3rd Eye perspective, being able to activate our 3rd Eye is essential to receiving insight from the Spiritual realm where we can get in touch with our true purpose of being here in our current incarnation on the planet as well as receiving creative insights for solutions to issues we are facing.
OK, so what does this have to do with the Soul Note process?
If we reference the pine cone and how it is used by the ancient civilizations around the world, I believe they were giving us a clue about what we now call Binaural Beats and more broadly "Brain Entrainment".
In the depiction above the Pine cone is accessed by way of 2 (seemingly identical) creatures with a rod or channel in the middle that is connected directly to the pine cone at the top. With Binaural Beats you have a carrier frequency (the rod in the middle) and 2 almost twin frequencies (the creatures) that ascend up the rod and reach the pine cone. I believe that your Soul Note or most resonant frequency for your body represents the rod that provides you with the most resonant route to your 3rd Eye. And if you are able to access your 3rd Eye with the most resonant frequency then you are able to activate the connection to your purpose in the most resonant way.
As a colleague of mine - Taryn, so adeptly pointed out to me, the pine cone art that you see above is also representative of the Kundalini concept from ancient India. In the case of the Kundalini, the rod represents the channel (sushuma) that connects the 7 major Chakras and the serpents rising up the channel are the awakening of the Chakra regions of our mind body and finally - the Pineal or Spirit.
Some of you may already be familiar with binaurals and brain entrainment. I will not reproduce all the information that is readily available through a quick web search. I will just quickly provide enough information for context.
Our brains operate in 4 widely accepted states of electrical activity with a 5th state that has less research than the others. Each of these states have been studied and have a defined electrical frequency range:
Delta - Deep Sleep and the frequency is between .5Hz and around 4Hz
Theta - Drowsiness and awake "Dreamy" state, frequncy 4Hz to 7Hz
Alpha - Focused yet relaxed and high creativity, frquency 8Hz to 12Hz
Beta - Normal wake state, frequency 12Hz to 30Hz
Gamma - Has the least research and is where both hemispheres of the brain are operating. Sometimes referred to as a Genius or "Guru" state, Frequency 30Hz to 100Hz
When you use Binaural Beats that are created using your Soul Note, the effectiveness of those beats are magnified and provide your mind, body and spirit with a more profound resonance that increases all of the benefits of the technology.
So please reach out to me and I will assist you in finding your most resonant frequency. And you will enjoy the benefits of brain entrainment at a higher level.